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In our clothing optional sauna, we keep the music pumping and movies rolling. Our film curator has customised your experience to be liberating and soothing in the heat, showing short movies loops that will be going from start the finish. 

ALL DAY  (15:00-02:00)
Sauna filmprogram starts 19:00

E = Explicit


Exhibition 1 (19:00-00:00)

Fun in Nature

A Blowjob is Always a Good Last Minute Gift 


Erika Lust (SWE/SPA)

Time: 2 min

Public, toungue, candy, gay


Inspired by an original confession, Lust presents a vision of taboo sensuality thanks to the talented Víctor, and the delicious artisan Candy Cock by Papabubble - which does indeed make a great last-minute gift!

Lupine My Lover 


Jo Pollux, Rayh Castor (GER)

Time: 5 min

Ecosexual, queer, fairytale
Skjermbilde 2023-08-11 kl. 21.58.24.png

An ecosexual romance. This is a queered fairytale between Lupines – a polymorphic plant, simultaneously phallic and vulvic, and their human lovers.



Nicky Miller (FRA)

Time: 10 min

Gay, Sexual, Oceanic

A fisherman is at the lake when a beautiful young man gets into the water. Fascinated by him, the fisherman begins an idyllic sexual trip into nature.

It Is Not the Brazilian Homosexuals Who Are Perverse but the Situation in Which They Live


Leandro Goddinho, Paulo Menezes, Eduard (GER/POR)

Time: 20 min

Queer, Naked
Skjermbilde 2023-08-11 kl. 22.06.54.png

Two queer Brazilians skinny-dip in a lake while talking about love, sex, colonialism and migration during a pandemic afternoon in Berlin.

Gay*Watch Berlin


Hannah Schaich  (GER)

Time: 13 min

Queer, Naked
Skjermbilde 2023-08-11 kl. 22.15.35.png

A queer-empowerment sing-a-long about not needing to be saved, about sexual liberation and togetherness.


Exhibition 2 (00:00 - 03:00)

Erika Lust 

New Kings on The Block


Erika Lust (SWE/SPA)

Time: 48 min

Queer, nonbinary

New Kings on the Block_XConfessions_Credits_Monica Figueras_8.jpg

A drag king workshop that deconstructs masculinity. Drag king workshops originated from the need to create safe spaces for queer people (especially trans and nonbinary AFAB folks). Desire, identity, love, pleasure, and power are all constructions that intersectionally build upon the white male gaze in a binary way. Queers who do not fit into the prescribed norm get excluded from the right to desire, exist, love, and feel pleasure.


n this workshop, through a creative play with drag king performances, participants

develop meaningful experiences around these concepts, deconstructing and

reappropriating them on their terms. But most importantly, they share the process with others with similar life experiences and struggles—creating an intimate, powerful bond that stays with them after the workshop. 

A Blowjob is Always a Good Last Minute Gift 


Erika Lust (SWE/SPA)

Time: 2 min

Public, toungue, candy, gay


Inspired by an original confession, Lust presents a vision of taboo sensuality thanks to the talented Víctor, and the delicious artisan Candy Cock by Papabubble - which does indeed make a great last-minute gift!

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